The iPhone was a need SoundFrame videos in landscape mode viewing on the iPhone. All iDevices project sound from the side-mounted speakers in a direction at right angles to your ears. You tend to hear more ambient noise as the sound from the speaker. There are solutions on the market and other Instructables of this detail creating a passive amplifier for the iPhone, to overcome this, but landscape mode and my personal preference for the sound projected from the center of the right side, rather than the device none of them focused on that. Watch videos with a person speak, just on the left side of the screen while the right project the sound out is wrong!
I experimented with a simple layered structure foam model (building) on the fly with nothing more than scissors and glue and the sound was surprised how effective could "Bend". I'm no acoustics expert, so that you can can is with science other than help to confirm that reflects a solid not, the channel and out the front of the frame. This rough prototype showed that the concept feasible. The second consideration was the aesthetics - the balance between form and function. With a 3D modeling tool allows multiple iterations before arriving at a final solution without wasting material and time. An important design aspect was what to do with the SoundFrame when not in use.
Design of the framework have a secondary function as a picture frame provides utility if the iPhone does not exist. It is also a good Mount for your iPhone at night, if you use your phone as an alarm clock. I have also a SoundFrame for the iTouch. For this device I included inserted a thin piece of wood to block, the upper surface of the sound channel even more increase and a slot in the side of the charger.
They iSoundFrame was with Alibre Design Personal Edition software for 3D modeling, followed by the CamBam to convert the design in g-code, Mach3 machine control software for cutting the SoundFrame from a piece of plywood with a CNC router is interpreted. The CNC router was designed and built by me (construction details here: so that there is little point in this tool to create and then fall back to the hand tools would, every time if I wanted it prototype something. But, given the fact that a CNC router is not usually in your home workshop (although through places like TechShop and other rooms, hackers, access on this precise and capable machines easily), I will also have a manual technique with layered construction at the end of this instructable details. I have 123D make software from Autodesk for the model in layers of discs, you can cut out with hand tools. The iPhone SoundFrame is then created by glue the layers together. But first want you using the CNC method, so here goes to suffer have!